1) The TSSPARM0 likely has:
This statement has to be replaced by FACILITY(facility_name=DEFACID(*NONE*))
Please note: To remove a DEFACID value, the keyword is *NONE*. To specify or change a DEFACID, it must be enclosed by parenthesis.
2) The TSSPARM0 likely has:
This statement has to be replaced by FACILITY(facility_name=PGM=DFS,ID=xx,TYPE=IMS)
Please note: when you specify a facility type for a CICS or IMS facility the facility TYPE must be TYPE=CICS and TYPE=IMS respectively.
3) The TSSPARM0 likely shows:
This statement has to be replaced by JES(SSID=JES2,TYPE=JES2,LEVEL=z/OS 2.1,VERIFY)
Please note there is space between the word "z/OS and word "2.1".
You don't need to re-IPL your system to pick up changes in the Top Secret parameter file. P TSS in temporary and S TSSproc,,,REINIT
If you want your TSSproc to start under the MSTR, you can issue S TSSproc,,,REINIT,SUB=MSTR .