FDM - Connecting to MSSQL DB using Windows authentication
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FDM - Connecting to MSSQL DB using Windows authentication


Article ID: 46712


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


The MS SQL Server (MSSQL) Database has been configured only for Windows Authentication, but not for SQL Server Authentication. How can FastDataMasker (FDM) connect to a MS SQL Server (MSSQL) using Windows authentication?


Masking Target DB: MS SQL Server with Windows authentication (all supported versions)


1. Browse to the "SQLSERVER_DLLs" folder under the "FastDataMasker" installation folder (by default, C:\Program Files\Grid-Tools\FastDataMasker).
2. Copy the file named "sqljdbc_auth.dll" from under the "x64" subfolder. This is the 64-bit version of the DLL and is the one you will need assuming your system runs on a 64-bit processor.
3. Paste the sqljdbc_auth.dll file to the "FastDataMasker" folder (by default, C:\Program Files\Grid-Tools\FastDataMasker).
4. Re-launch the FDM UI and on the connection screen and enter the MSSQL Server DB connection details.
5. Make sure the username and password fields are left blank.
6. Save the profile and click the "Connect" button".