When running Windows jobs, the job may fail and shows this: "command file not found" error code 20007.
Component: Workload Automation Agent
OS: Windows
Command is running directly and Windows may not interpret it correctly.
00:00:12 20XX CAWA_I_20005 AFM: 20160919 XXXX2321-0200 AGENT1234 JavaAgent#tcpip@AEP_SCH 001.1234_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN RUN . Data(Command="whoami") Env(AUTOSERV=AEP,AUTO_JOB_NAME="TEST_CMD1",AUTORUN="1234-1") User(....) Password(...) MFUser(....) WOBRequestID(XXXX)
00:00:12 20XX CAWA_I_20010 The local security is bypassed
00:00:12 20XX CAWA_E_20015 Command/Script not found.Error code: 20007
00:00:12 20XX CAWA_I_20018 Job failed. Exit code 20007, Status: "Command file not found"
Add the following parameters in agentparm.txt and restart the WA Agent: