How to determine the number of jobs defined in CA 7 - r11.3 and earlier releases
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How to determine the number of jobs defined in CA 7 - r11.3 and earlier releases


Article ID: 46650


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CA 7 Workload Automation


Is there a way to get total number of jobs defined in a CA 7 database ror r11.3 and earlier releases? 


Release: r11.3 and earlier releases only


The SASSBK00 program can be used for this purpose.  The SASSBK00 DD statement DBLIST produces database inventory report SASSBK07-01. 

The number of JBD elements from the SASSBK07-01 report is the number of jobs defined in the CA 7 database.

the SASSBK07-01 report lists information about what data sets constitute the database, the data types each data set contains, record counts and optionally (with OPT=LIST) lists the element identities (VSAM keys) of each element in the database.  

OPT=SUMM can be used with BACKUP or RELOAD and creates only a summary version of report SASSBK07-01. 


Note:  The procedure is for CA 7 r11.3 and earlier releases