We simply need to update the credentials that Release Automation uses to connect to our repository of choice.
Applies to any environment utilizing a repository for artifacts.
Release Automation 6.7, 6.8
Release Automation uses a specific method of encoding passwords in a configuration file located on the NAC. While typically the default credentials in this configuration file along with the nexus account setup is fine, there are instances where you will either require a different/newer repository, standalone repository, or just need to change the credentials in general.
This is relatively simple, you will want to connect to your NAC / Management Server. Here you will find the following file:
The contents are straightforward as well:
If you have updated the password for your repository, you will need to update nolio-repo.properties encrypted password(or decrypt) as follows:
1. On NAC/Management Server, change to installation directory (eg; /opt/ReleaseAutomationServer)
2. Run the command(a = linux, b = windows):
a. scripts/encrypt_password.sh <new_password>
b. scripts/encrypt_password.bat <new_password>
3. Output will be similar to this if successful:
[root@centosxx-raxx ReleaseAutomationServer]# scripts/encrypt_password.sh nolio
The encrypted password is: D4F104E35F82A898
The original password is: nolio
4. Simply replace the password= line in nolio-repo.properties, restart the management server and all updates complete.