How to resolve error message "Script runtime exceeded 60s"
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How to resolve error message "Script runtime exceeded 60s"


Article ID: 46626


Updated On:


CA Process Automation Base


Script operators and operators with Pre and Post execution code that handle large amounts of data can exceed their timeout value which will result in the error in the Operators dataset: "Script runtime exceeded 60s"


Release: ITPASA99000-4.3-Process Automation-Add On License for-CA Server Automation


This is due to the timeout for scripts being set to 60 seconds by default so these do not run indefinitely.


Depending on your version of ITPAM, do one of the following:

Versions prior to 4.3 SP03:

Edit the \pam\server\c2o\.config\OasisConfig.Properties file and add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

#Increase Script Timeout from 60 to 120 seconds

A restart will be required.

Versions 4.3 SP03 and later:

Log into ITPAM as an administrative user (member of pamAdmins workgroup)
Select the configuration tab and expand the orchestrator, selecting the orchestrator name and lock it.
In the right panel at the end select the configuration properties tab.

You will add the custom property of


with a value of 120

Save the change in the configuration properties and unlock the orchestrator.

For this setting, no restart is required.

Additional Information

Please note, 120 seconds is the maximum value that can be set. Allowing scripts to run longer than 2 minutes would in result in other issues. 

If a script continues to exceed the timeout once the timeout threshold has been increased to 120 seconds the only option is to rethink and redesign the operator to manipulate less data so that it can complete within the 120 seconds.