What are the new features of Endevor 15.0?
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What are the new features of Endevor 15.0?


Article ID: 46606


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


What are the new features and enhancements of Endevor r15.0?

When upgrading CA Endevor, customers can jump one or more versions and go directly to the last version of Endevor.

If upgrading from version older, it is recommended to review the Release Notes for all intermediate versions.

This document gives the list of the New Features and Enhancements for r15.0 and provide the release information guide for further explanations.


Note: Release Note for R15.1 also gives the list of the New Features and Enhancements for R15.0.



Every Releases from Endevor 15.0




CA SCM for Mainframe R15.0 introduces enhancements, as well as additional features. A brief description of each new feature and enhancement appears next. Further details are provided in the individual guides that make up the documentation set.


The complete Release Notes guide is attached to the document.


The following major enhancements are included in R15.0:


Customization table changes

 – The Options table (ENCOPTBL) includes a new option for ACMQ reorganization. After a certain number of file updates, this option issues a console message, instead of running the reorganization utility in batch. This enables the administrator to schedule the reorganization.



– The Software Configuration Service (SCS) has been added for CA MSM Version 04.0.00.


Package Element Action Backout

 – The output members of a single action within a package can be backed out without backing out the entire package.


Log delta format for element Types

– A new source management element delta format named log delta is added. This format only stores the last level of an element. Source code changes are not stored in deltas. This format is for very large data files, for which source management is not needed, but an activity log can be helpful.


Package shipment destination for the XCOM transmission method

– When defining a shipment destination for the package ship feature, you can define a TCP/IP address by specifying an IPNAME and IPPORT.


Component validation report in CSV format

– The component validation report can be written in CSV format to an external file.


CA Endevor SCM Quick Edit option User Menu

– The CA Endevor SCM User Options Menu is now accessible from the CA Endevor SCM Quick-Edit Option panel.


CA Endevor SCM CA Roscoe Interface

– To simplify the installation of CA Endevor SCM CA Roscoe Interface, the installation files are delivered in load module format.


Element Registration at the processor group level

– You can set the processor output Type check to apply at the Subsystem level.


CA Endevor SCM Web Services

– Internet client applications, including the CA Endevor SCM Eclipse-Based UI (Eclipse-Based UI), can connect to the CA Endevor SCM API using CA Endevor SCM Web Services (Web Services).


CA Endevor SCM Eclipse-Based UI

– This option was previously named the Eclipse Plug-in and accessed the CA Endevor SCM API through CA Change Manager Enterprise Workbench (CMEW). The Eclipse-Based UI does not require CMEW and instead accesses the CA Endevor SCM API through Web Services. No other changes were made to the functionality. For more information, see CA Endevor SCM Web Services (see page 21). For information about installing this option, see the appendix "CA Endevor SCM Eclipse-Based UI" in the Installation Guide.


CA Endevor SCM Integration for the Natural Environment

– This option has been enhanced with the following changes. The Transfer action is available in batch. Users can build, save, and edit SCL for all CA Endevor SCM element actions supported by CA Endevor SCM. SCL for batch submission of actions can be built from scratch. When you are building package SCL, you can now import saved SCL objects. Additional package actions are available for package processing.


Additional Information


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