When upgrading CA Endevor customers can jump one or several versions.
What are the new features and enhancements of Endevor R12?
CA Endevor SCM R12 introduces performance, usability, and security enhancements, as well as additional features. This release also introduces a simplified installation process. A brief description of each new feature and enhancement appears next.
This is only a summary. Refer to the Release Notes Guide for more details: CA_SCM_MF_RelNotes_ENU.pdf
The following major enhancements are included in R12 SP0:
Additional Features
?Automatic element version rolling
– Up to 9996 delta levels for an element can be stored. This feature is not backward compatible.
?Element delta level retention by age
– You can specify how long to retain delta levels.
?CSV data extract utility enhancements
– Additional types of data can be extracted for reporting purposes.
?API SCL Package Ship
– You can use CA CM Enterprise Workbench (or an API SCL program) to ship CA SCM for Mainframe packages.
Performance Enhancement
?Concurrent Action Processing
– This option significantly speeds the processing of batch element action SCL, package element action SCL, and API-initiated packages (CA CM Enterprise Workbench) that contain a large number of actions.
Usability Enhancements
?Promotion packages
– A package that contains move actions only can be defined as a promotion package, which can be easily reused to promote elements from stage to stage. This feature is not backward compatible.
?Processor map allocation
– A new processor parameter makes it easy to build and maintain processors especially for private work area implementations. This feature is not backward compatible.
?ISPF and Quick Edit usability enhancements
– The following enhancements apply to both ISPF and Quick Edit Option access to CA SCM for Mainframe.
?Name masking on environment names
– When building a list of names, you can wildcard, or use placeholders, in the environment name selection.
?Left-right scrolling on panels
– You can view new columns of information for each element using left-right scrolling on the Element Selection List and the Package Selection List. The Processor Group Selection List is restyled to allow left-right scrolling for easier viewing.
?Where User ID or CCID list filters
– You can limit searches by user ID and further refine CCID matches.
?Print element's output listing
– You can print an element's output listing from the Print Element panel or by using the SCL Print Element action.
Security Enhancements
?Alternate ID implementation improvements
– Implementation of the alternate ID is made easier by default settings delivered with CA SCM for Mainframe.
?RACF temporary data set option
– A new ENCOPTBL option lets you force temporary data sets specified in processor JCL to be allocated as pseudo-temporary files, which are cleaned up when the processor completes.
Installation Enhancement
?Current CA standard
– The new installation procedure conforms to the CA standards for naming conventions and for an SMP/E install. All release components are received and applied before any modifications or customizations take place. Global changes to variables are made using an IBM Scan/Replace utility.
?Processor symbolic for system ID
– You can use the new symbolic &C1SYSID in processors to indicate the mainframe system ID of the system the processor is running on. The length of the symbol is eight characters.
?Package inspect security
– You can set security authorization checking for the package inspect action in the Defaults table.
The following major enhancements are included in R12 SP1:
?Search and Replace Utility to Update Component Data
- You can now use the Search and Replace utility to update an element's component data to change the output data set name. This allows you to update the data set name to reflect the current location of the output that became outdated when the element was moved and not regenerated.
?ACM API and CSV Enhancement
- You can now use the CSV utility and the API SCL function to extract ACM data. In addition, all methods of extracting ACM data are enhanced to add options to eliminate circular, indirect, or related relationships from the output returned.
?New Package Selection List Filter Option for Promotion Packages
- This enhancement introduces filter options on the Package Foreground Options Menu that allow users to filter packages by promotion flag and target location.
The following major enhancements are introduced in R12 SP2:
?Promotion Package Enhancements
The following major enhancements are made to the promotion package feature:
- The Package Foreground Options menu panel includes changes to the promotion package target environment and target stage ID filters. The Tgt Environment and the Tgt Stage ID fields are independent. If the Promotion Pkg field is set to A or P, you can specify both fields, or leave one blank. Previously, you could specify the target environment alone, but if you specified the target stage ID, the target environment was required. Name masking is supported for both fields. Previously, name masking was not allowed.
- The CSV Utility's List Package ID function now includes the promotion package filters, which filter by promotion package type, promotion package target environment, and promotion package stage ID. Previously, the promotion package filter only filtered by promotion package type.
- The API List Package Header function now includes fields in the request structure for the promotion package target environment and promotion package stage ID, in addition to the promotion package flag. The promotion package flag was also renamed to promotion package filter type and supports values of A, P, or X. The promotion package fields are now returned in the response structure when the basic data option is specified. Previously promotion package data was returned only when the full data flag was specified.
- The Package Display panel now displays the promotion package target environment and stage ID fields, provided that data exists for these fields. This information was already displayed on the Package Selection List and the Package History Selection List.
- The default STOPRC value for CSV actions was increased from 12 to 16, to be consistent with batch element and package action processing.
For more information, see the document Promotion Package Enhancements.
? Synchronization Notification
To let users know when an element is added higher up the software life cycle map that is out of synchronization with their element located lower in the map, the administrator can enable Synchronization Notification.
The Synchronization Notification feature immediately sends an email to the element change owner, when an element is changed or added higher in the software life cycle map and is found to be out-of-sync with the element located lower in the map. When Synchronization Notification is enabled, it is initiated by the following activities:
- The element actions: Add, Update, Move, Restore, Transfer C1-C1, and Transfer from Archive
- The Quick Edit actions: Create and Edit
- The Search and Replace utility
The following major enhancements are introduced in R12 SP3:
? PDM Direct Merge of WIP Files to CA Endevor SCM Locations
- This enhancement lets users of the Parallel Development option merge a Work-In-Progress (WIP) file directly to an output location in CA Endevor SCM, where each derivation is recorded in a separate change level. This option is valid only if the WIP file was built from CA Endevor SCM locations; the file to which programmers are making changes (the Root) and the modified copies of the Root (the derivations) must all be located in CA Endevor SCM.
This option is available using either the foreground panels or batch SCL statements.
In addition, clients who are licensed for the Quick-Edit option and the Parallel Development option can access the Parallel Development option from the Quick-Edit Option panel.
? Package Ship Command File High Level Qualifier
This enhancement lets the user specify the high level data set name qualifier (HLQ) value for the Package Ship feature's XCOM and Connect:Direct transmission method command files. The XCOM and Connect:Direct transmission methods used by the Package Ship facility require the following command file that contains control cards used by those methods: &prefix..D&SHIPDATE..T&SHIPTIME..TTTTCMD.FILE. CA Endevor SCM allocates, populates, and deletes the file as part of the ship process. The transmission method's utility must have read access to this file.
The prefix value for the data set is set to the MODHLI parameter in the C1DEFLTS table. If that parameter is blank, the prefix is set to the user ID. However, some clients use the MODHLI parameter for other purposes and do not want to use the MODHLI parameter for the ship command file, nor do they want to have to set up security rules for each user ID prefix.
This enhancement lets users supply a value for the PREFIX keyword on the SCL ship action. They can optionally code this parameter on their API SCL Ship action in batch or supply it on the Ship Confirmation panel in foreground.
? Processor Output Listing Banner Page Footprint Information
For the purpose of quickly identifying the processor information that is specific to an element, this information now appears on the element banner page, if a banner page is requested.
When the output from the CONLIST step is created, the information supplied contains not only the inventory information and activities (steps executed and their return codes), but also detailed information pertaining to the processor that was executed during the element action.
? Email Notification XIT7MAIL from Address
This enhancement introduces two new options for generating the from (sender) addresses for emails generated by XIT7MAIL. The XIT7MAIL source is available for modification by clients. The from address options are detailed in the XIT7MAIL program. Using multiple options is not supported. The options you do not want to use must be commented out. As delivered, both new options are commented out.
Previously, there was no option to change the from address and it was automatically generated as: [email protected].
This is now the default.
The following new options are available:
- Use the PECBUSER field: The from location is generated from PECBUSER.
- User choice: The from location is specified, by the administrator, in the XIT7MAIL program.