By default, the Workpoint tool used by IM, tracks internally each component of a process definition which is invoked as a job at runtime. This fills up the WP_*_HIST tables very quickly, especially where workflows are complex and/or are used often (‘*’ is the name of the component). Since IM doesn’t use this data in any way, it is recommended to disable history tracking on all processes in use, and clear the WP_*_HIST tables.
Disabling history on workflow processes will lead to much more efficient transitions between nodes as less amount of DB writes are involved.
Since Identity Manager 14.5, the Workpoint version is 4.50
1. Open the process definition in Workpoint Designer, from left panel, select Open Process
2. The selected process will open in the middle of the Workpoint Designer panel
3. From menu, select Process > Properties, a new window will open
4. Select the Options tab
5. Uncheck the Job, Node, Work Item, Transition, Job Alert and Work Item Alert history.