We have cleared out the WRITER field on the recipients VRDMU130 screen to prevent Dispatch from assigning an external writer however Dispatch is now assigning the MAILDROP as an external writer on report output. How can we prevent this?
From the MAIN menu, select option 9.1 to access the VSGMU110 screen. On the right side of this screen, you will see the "Use Maildrop as Ext Wtr (Y/N) ==>" field. In order to prevent Dispatch from assigning the maildrop as an external writer, you would need to set this field to a 'N' and then, recycle the RPI and RPO subtasks of Dispatch.
* Note that if you make this change, "ALL" reports processed by Dispatch will be affected!
* There is no way to tell Dispatch to not assign the maildrop as an external writer for selective reports if the value on the VSGMU110 screen is defined as a 'Y'.