I would like to know who was doing what from 9/2/2016 14:05:00 to 14:10:00 from the RXX tape.
Do you have a utility program handy to read the Datacom RXX file?
Run DBUTILTY program with SYSIN like:
RANGEDT= Specify two date/times to provide a range (low to high).
The date/times are specified as a 28 character number with the lower date/time immediately followed by the higher date/time. Each date/time is 14 characters in the format 'ccyymmddhhmmss'. For example:
'2002121400000020020228235959'. Note that the input is not read beyond one record higher than this ending value.
See the DBUTLTY Reference Guide for samples and other possible selection values .
You can also write a Cobol program that calls READRXX to get this information out of the RXX .
See the Datacom Database and System Administration Guide .