User reported to me that he has a User based CLIST library allocated in Sysview. He has executed the CLIST, edited/updated the CLIST. User executes the Clist after the Clist has been updated, and the update is not reflected.
The User Clist library was participating in the CA SYSVIEW Library Caching option. Library caching is performed for SYSVIEW system libraries only. Library caching options can be set in the following parmlib member: SYSVW.R141S0.CNM4BPRM(OPTIONS)
The defaults settings are:
LibCache-Caplib Yes
LibCache-Clistlib Yes
LibCache-Helplib Yes
LibCache-Maplib No
LibCache-Miblib No
LibCache-Panellib Yes
LibCache-Parmlib Yes
LibCache-Plotlib Yes
LibCache-Template Yes
From the LIBCACHE display available action commands are: DELete and RELoad. Use the RELoad subcommand of the LIBCACHE display to get the updated CLIST into SYSVIEW Cacheing.