When opening the DSM Reporter, all the default created folders get duplicated. Basically, if it's opened one time, it gets twice the default folders, if it's opened twice, it gets them 3 times, and so on:
Computers running DSM Explorer/DSM Reporter and having the Agent with Language Pack installed.
DSM Explorer and DSM Reporter are considered as Manager components and they are not supported when Language Packs are installed.
I the documentation is explained what are the languages supported for all Manager and Server components:
Once the change of the language is made (back to any of the supported ones), the existing duplicated folders have to be manually deleted.
In order to identify them, right click on them and open its properties, select the 'Additional' tab and check its creator, here the following can be checked:
- The original folders' creator is the user account who installed the product.
- The duplicated folders' creator is the user account logging in each time.
Another way to know the folders to delete, the duplicated folders will have a newer Created/Modified date, compared to the original folder.