Upgrading/reinstalling CA Pan/SQL and need to locate the documentation describing the steps I need to do for the ESD File. Where may I find this?
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Upgrading/reinstalling CA Pan/SQL and need to locate the documentation describing the steps I need to do for the ESD File. Where may I find this?


Article ID: 46436


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL



Upgrading/reinstalling CA Pan/SQL and need to locate the documentation describing the steps I need to do for the ESD File.  Where may I find this?


CA Pan/SQL 2.4C (0203)


Under Support ONline, please be sure and login to the system. 
Under the product 'CA Easytrieve Report Generator - MVS' for release 11.6, please select the 'Download Center'. 

Then, please select 'Products' for 
CA Easytrieve Report Generator OPTION for DB2 - MVS 

and choose '11.6' as the Release. 


On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see the 'Download Help' section and there is a link for the 'Traditional Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) Guide'. Follow these instructions first. 

Next, to get the PDF file, hit 'GO' after selecting the above product. 
You will then be directed to the Product Components, one of which is the PanSQL Getting Started Guide: 


Release: EDBMSU00200-11.6-Easytrieve-Report Generator-Option for DB2-MSU