Does CA Intertest for CICS r 9.1 have any link list requirements?
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Does CA Intertest for CICS r 9.1 have any link list requirements?


Article ID: 46414


Updated On:


InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS



The client is upgrading from CA Intertest for CICS r 8.5 and noticed the CA Intertest for CICS r 8.5 CAILIB is in the link list. The client does not see any reference to putting  any CA Intertest for CICS load libraries in the link list in the r 9.1 installation guide. Does CA Intertest for CICS have any mandatory link list requirements?


There are no requirements to add any of the CA Intertest for CICS load libraries to the link list. The client can add the CAVHLOAD to the link list. The CAVHLOAD contains the post processor programs that are used in the compile PROC’S to copy the program source code to the CA Intertest for CICS  source code repository. Some clients add the CAVHLOAD to the link list so they don't have to STEPLIB to the CAVHLOAD in the compile PROC'S.

Additional Information: 

Please see the release 9.1 CA Application Quality and Testing Tools Symbolic Guide for additional information on the compile PROC’S.






Release: OSINBV00200-9.1-InterTest-Batch