What are the mysql databases in NFA and what are the default user names?
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What are the mysql databases in NFA and what are the default user names?


Article ID: 46391


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)



What are the mysql databases used by NFA and what are the default usernames 





Starting in NFA 21.2.8,  the option to use an anonymous user has been removed from mysql.


Starting in NFA 21.2.8, accessing the 'root' user in mysql now requires a password. 

To login locally to a database using root credentials, use the syntax below:

mysql <database> -u root -p

For example:

mysql reporter -u root -p

Then enter the root password  when prompted.


The NFA Console has 1 database called 'reporter' which runs on port 3308. 

The username for the reporter database is netqos


The Harvester has several databases listed below, along with the usernames, that run on port 3308 that hold inventory and configuration information: 

harvester - harvest

data_retention - netqos


The Harvester also has 2 databases on port 3307, which are custom mysql storage engines, in which the data is accessed through: 

archive - archive

archive15 - archive


-If you are attempting to login to mysql remotely you will need to use one of the usernames above in the format below:

-To connect to the 'reporter' database on the NFA Console server run the command:

mysql -D reporter -h <host IP address> -u netqos -p

Then enter the password when prompted.

-To connect to a database running on the non default port of 3307 you must specific the port using -P in the mysql syntax, for example below is how to connect to the archive15 database on a Harvester:

mysql -P3307 -D archive15 -h <host IP Address> -u archive -p

Then enter the password when prompted.


-If you wish to login as root in versions older than 21.2.6, root has no password but is only available locally on each server.  Remote connections will not allow root access. To login locally to a database using root credentials, use the syntax below:

mysql reporter -u root



Additional Information

Documentation page on changing the mysql passwords:

Configure MySQL User Password (broadcom.com)