Migration to virtual tape system and vaulting
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Migration to virtual tape system and vaulting


Article ID: 46384


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage



Our current tape setup makes use of CA-1 vaulting.
We are moving to new infrastructure, which includes replication, and will therefore not have any vaulting.
During the transition, we need offsite tapes from the current setup to still be returned onsite, but we do
not want any tapes created on the new infrastructure to go through vaulting.


We use DSN patterns to select tapes for vaulting.
If we stay with the same VPDS, will the old tapes still be recalled and all tapes created after that rule is in
place no longer be selected for vaulting to the old locations?
If not, can you provide an appropriate solution? 







If these data sets are only written to virtual tapes, then remove the VPD rule for the specific data set,
and then those that are still vaulted will be returned to the library as they expire.


If the data sets can be written to either physical or a virtual tape, and you want the physical tapes vaulted,
then you would need to write a User Exit to TMSVMEDT called TMSXVLT1.


We provide a skeleton exit that you can use as a starting point in the CTAPSAMP library.



If you would like to have the vaulting system completely disregard a virtual volume range,
User Exit TMSXVLT1 can be installed to bypass the range all together.


For example, if you have a single virtual range of V00000-V99999, you could use the below sample code:




*        PLACE USER CODE HERE                                                                         *


         CLC   VMVOLSER,=C'V00000'             WITHIN VIRTUAL RANGE?

          BL    RECKEEP                                         NO, PROCESS VAULTING

          CLC   VMVOLSER,=C'V99999'            WITHIN VIRTUAL RANGE?

          BH    RECKEEP                                        NO, PROCESS VAULTING

          B     RECDROP                                        DO NOT PROCESSING VAULTING



Additional Information


User exit TMSXVLT1 is provided for tailoring the TMSVMEDT TMC record selection processing. It is invoked during the TMC selection phase. It is called only if the option XVLT1 is set to the name of the exit itself in the TMOOPTxx member of hlq.CTAPOPTN.