Setting time on MTP
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Setting time on MTP


Article ID: 46373


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA)





There will be problems if date/time or timezone in MTP is not matching with APM or ADA Console.




There are issues with Time and Time zone in MTP. How to correct those?








Check the Date or time on MTP with the below command:

       # date

Stop ntpd service if it is running.


       #sudo service ntpd stop


Disable the service at all run levels to prevent it from auto restart on next server reboot.


       #sudo chkconfig ntpd off


Check the current timezone configured with the below command:


      #sudo ls -l /etc/localtime


It is advised to set the timezone on MTP as UTC timezone but it depends on your requirement.


For example to set the time zone to UTC, you have to run the below commands:


       #sudo mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak  (For backup)


       #sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC /etc/localtime


Set the correct date and time with “date” command.


The date command is used to set the system clock using the switch -s and the format MMDDhhmmYYYY (where MM=month, DD=day, hh=24-hour hour, mm=minute, YYYY=year)


 The following example sets the date to January 5th 2007, 1:15 PM:


       #sudo date -s 010513152007


Run the below command to sync the time with napatech card:


     #sudo  /opt/NetQoS/tui/tui-datetime.php




Additional Information:


If the problem still persists after running above commands or if you face any additional problems during above commands, please contact CA Support.





Release: SAMCNH99000-10.1-NetQoS-SuperAgent-Management Console-Hardware