During report collection, if a report gets stuck in a processing loop, the View database data space can become quickly filled.
The report will show to have a Location of OPEN, and it will need to be stopped and deleted from the database.
The below steps show how to reclaim the space used for the report in OPEN status.
CA View
. First, address the report with the Location of OPEN by stopping the report in the spool.
Stop the job that is creating the report and then go to the JES spool and either place the report in a held status, or delete the report altogether.
. If needed, add data space to the database by running SARDBASE ADDDS DATA.
. If the View SARSTC task stopped and will not start again:
. . Change SARINIT to have FORM=9999 (or some other bogus value), to temporarily stop report collection.
. . Start SARSTC with "/S sarstc,OPT=STOPBU"
. If you changed the SARINIT FORM value:
. . Stop the View task with "/P sarstc".
. . Change SARINIT FORM=... back to its previous value.
. . Start SARSTC with "/S sarstc,OPT=STOPBU", to resume report collection.
. In the View database, find the report in OPEN status, and type a "C" to the left of the report, for an initial cleaning.
. Have a View backup run, either automatically (from SARINIT DAYS and TIME) or by issuing a backup ("/F sarstc,NEW").
. Type a "C" to the left of the report again, a minimum of 4 hours after the first issuing of the "C" above.
. At that point, the report will be given either a DISK or PERM location.
. Delete the report from the database, using either the View online or using SARBCH "/DELETE ID=... GEN=... SEQ=..." .