Copied the Top Secret Security File to a new system, IPLd, and received:
FB 0091 TSS0905I Unable to obtain security file Security lock
FB 0091 TSS0906I System VSEA has held Enqueue for 64 minutes
FB-0091 TSS0907D Reply <RESET> or <WAIT>
Is it safe to respond RESET, without corrupting the security file?
A live security file should never be copied because it is constantly being enqueue and dequeued. The enqueue records are kept on the security file. The security file was copied with an outstanding enqueue records which now show on the new system.
To be 100% sure that you will not corrupt the security file, the systems sharing the security file need to be brought down.
The RESET should be done on the system getting the enqueue message.
RESET should not be done unless TSS is brought down on all machines sharing the security file for the danger of corrupting the file.