Message "DQ0311 NO RECORDS FOUND MATCHING SUPPLIED CRITERIA" may appear when trying to list Connections
When you are getting a message after selecting 'List All Connections' from the 'TCP/IP : History Report List' Menu, you might see
In this case, please check the following :
FTP Event Processing:
Save FTP Events? ........... YES
Telnet Event Processing:
Save Telnet Events? ........ YES
Connection Event Processing:
Save Connection Events? .... YES
When the ‘Save xxx Events’ is not set to YES, then they may not appear in the IP history.
Each application in the list can be referenced for different settings including the "Deliver Records" field.
IP Applications need to have deliver of records set to INIT, TERM or BOTH for the IP Connection events to be logged.
We supply the default as NONE causing no connection history record logging.
The complete description of IP event recording can be found from NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP Administration Guide 12.2 – Setting Up IP Event Processing