We have some sites in different locations which are connected to each other using Extranet links and we need to be able to measure latency between these using ping only- How can we do this?
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We have some sites in different locations which are connected to each other using Extranet links and we need to be able to measure latency between these using ping only- How can we do this?


Article ID: 46261


Updated On: 12-30-2019


CA Spectrum


This is a tech doc detailing how you can use an SPM ICMP test to measure latency between sites. 

We have some sites in different locations which are connected to each other using Extranet links and we need to be able to measure latency between these using ping only- How can we do this?


Release: Any


The test is from the device that is the designated Test Host to the Destination Ip Address and the SpectroSERVER only reads the results of the test

For more information on configuring SPM ICMP (ping) tests please refer to the Service Manager Performance guide.