Easytrieve for Windows compatibility with a Server upgrade
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Easytrieve for Windows compatibility with a Server upgrade


Article ID: 46254


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL




Upgrading to a Windows Server 2012


We are currently running Esytrieve for Windows Version r11.1  Build 15232  Date 08/20/2015 on Windows Server 2008. We are looking to upgrade 
to Windows Server 2012 in an azure environment 


Esytrieve for Windows Version r11.1  Build 15232  Date 08/20/2015 on Windows Server 2008 


The Easytrieve for Windows product is a “single user” product and is not meant to be run by multiple users from a server install. That said, there is nothing (that I am aware of) which prevents it from being installed to any drive regardless of it being an NFS mounted drive or a local drive. The install does set environment variables and local registry entries so an install on a server and then the expectation that anyone could then run the product would be suspect. Things like recent history of files will probably not work as the specific locations may not even be available. 

So, no, we are not Windows Server compliant.  

Additional Information:

There has never been any limitation of the drive that a user installs on as long as the mount-point is to the same drive letter, as we don’t use or support network names.


Release: ESBEZT99000-11.1-Easytrieve-Extended Support Basic