Can I create custom reports with Jaspersoft on Spectrum?
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Can I create custom reports with Jaspersoft on Spectrum?


Article ID: 46234


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Can I create custom reports with Jaspersoft on Spectrum?


Release: Any version of Spectrum integrated with Jasper


Custom report creation is not supported out of the box on Spectrum.  However Jaspersoft Studio can be used to create custom Jaspersoft reports as desired.

Jaspersoft Studio:

Jaspersoft Studio is an Eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports Server that enables users to create their own custom Jaspersoft reports.  For information and guidance on usage of Jaspersoft Studio to create custom reports, please refer to the following resources:

  • Documentation:  <CABI Media>\docs\Jaspersoft-Studio-User-Guide.pdf
  • Self-paced Online Course - "Developing Reports with Jaspersoft Studio":   Available within Japersoft's Online Learning Portal.  

Download Information:

Jaspersoft Studio may be downloaded from the Jaspersoft Portal:    

IMPORTANT: As Jaspersoft provides only the latest version of Jaspersoft Studio, if your CA application contains an older versions of CABI JasperReports Server (for example v6.2, but the current downloadable Jaspersoft Studio is v6.3), the backward compatibility setting should be configured within Jaspersoft Studio to account for this. Please refer to the link for detailed instructions on this setting:


IMPORTANT Support NoteCA Support provides troubleshooting and support for out-of-box CABI Jaspersoft reports only.  If assistance is required with the creation of custom Jaspersoft reports, please contact your CA Account Representative.