When you want File Master to dynamically generate a PSB, just leave the “PSB or ACB Name” field blank. Note however that in BMP mode, an ACB will be generated and it requires the DOPT ACB library name in the IMS environment definition. If you don’t have a DOPT ACBLIB, here’s what I recommend you to do:
• Create an empty PDS or PDSE with a name that follows your site’s naming conventions and with the same attributes as the MAX 3.4 library that’s in the ACBLIBA and ACBLIBB concatenation in IMS1’s control region JCL.
• Make sure that all File Master users have update authority to the new data set (just as with CA MAX).
• Update IMS1’s control region JCL to include the new data set name as the last entry in both the ACBLIBA and ACBLIBB concatenation. Recycle IMS1.
• In File Master option 0 sub option 5, put the new data set name in the “DOPT ACBLIB” field.
With that, File Master will be able to dynamically generate PSB’s and ACB’s and an end user can get to a database by only specifying a DBD name.