Invalid media type with EMC DLM4500
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Invalid media type with EMC DLM4500


Article ID: 46222


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CA 1 Flexible Storage



Installing a new EMC DLM4500 tape hardware requires to run an EMC utility to enter volser into the TCDB which requests a media type be entered but the result is media1 (we are trying to get a media4 type).







Because the DLM is defined as a manual tape library, the TRTCH value in the CA 1 TMC is being used to set the media type.  

Consequently, you need to update the TMC with the correct TRTCH and DEN values to get the proper media type set in the manual tape library.                                 

For the tapes that have not been mounted, yet, you can run TMSUPDTE and update their TRTCH and DEN values.  

The available values are defined in the CA 1 Programming Guide under section Record Definitions and Keywords under the VOLUME record definition.

The TRTCH and DEN fields have an extensive list of values for various media types.  


For example, if the DLM is defined with media 4 tapes, then you want TRTCH to be 128 track and density to be 3590.  

If you look in the field definitions, you will see that 128 track under TRTCH is x'EA' and under DEN 3590 is x'E8'.  

You would use the following TMSUPDTE commands:              

VOL xxxxxx-yyyyyy,NOCHAIN,NODSN                                             

REP TRTCH=EA                                                                

REP DEN=E8                                                                  


Another example, if the DLM is defined with 3480 media 2, you would use the following TMSUPDTE commands:                                                           

VOL xxxxxx-yyyyyy,NOCHAIN,NODSN                                              

REP TRTCH=C0                                                                 

REP DEN=xx                                                                   

      where xx is E3 for 38K or E7 for 38K compressed and xxxxxx is the first VOLSER in the range and YYYYYY is the last volser in the range.         



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