Any plans to change the CA InterTest for CICS transaction VTAT to run above line?
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Any plans to change the CA InterTest for CICS transaction VTAT to run above line?


Article ID: 46221


Updated On:


InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS



The client noticed that several of the CA Intertest for CICS transactions are using storage below the line DATA LOCATION(BELOW). Are there any plans to have these transactions run above the line to prevent possible short on storage conditions in the region? 


CA Intertest for CICS r 9.1 is currently designed for VTAT and ISER to run below the line. The current design cannot be changed by a fix since the changes may be extensive and would have to be done with development cycle. 

Changing our CICS transactions and programs from DATALOC(BELOW) to DATALOC(ANY) may have design requirements that require they run with DATALOC(BELOW) like VTAT.  

The product owner added a Technical Debt story to the CA Intertest for CICS backlog that they will review for the next release (after 10 which is already planned). You can also add an Idea to the testing tools community to have VTAT and the other product transactions to run above the line.

Additional Information:

The CA InterTest for CICS r 9.1 RDO entries are located in the HLQ.CABAJCL members CSDINT** where ** is the CICS level.


Release: OSINBV00200-9.1-InterTest-Batch