SARSTC Task Recycle required when Changing SARINIT DBTHRESH=
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SARSTC Task Recycle required when Changing SARINIT DBTHRESH=


Article ID: 46208


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Does Changing SARINIT DBTHRESH=... Require a SARSTC Task Recycle?


  • View®
  • OM View for z
  • Output Management View® for z/OS


Yes, the changing of SARINIT DBTHRESH=... requires a SARSTC task recycle.

The value used by SARINIT DBTHRESH is the value that was stored in the View database, at the time of the most recent SARSTC task recycle. 

If a report is collected directly to tape (via SARINIT TAPECLSL=..., or is directed by MAXLINES to go to tape), then no data space is used, and no SARDBI23 messages would be issued.

If a report is recalled to disk, using SARBCH, it will fill up disk space using the same criteria as SARSTC, in noting database usage that is compared to DBTHRESH.