Panvalet PAN#1 ++WRITE WORK column 72 option N returns a RC4
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Panvalet PAN#1 ++WRITE WORK column 72 option N returns a RC4


Article ID: 46205


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Why do I get RC4 executing PAN#1++WRITE WORK with option N?
The user expects that if N is used that INCLUDEs should be ignored and RC0 returned.
However if INCLUDE statements exist they are searched even though they are not expanded, and if the items are not found, then RC4 is returned.


You get RC 4 so the user is notified the INCLUDE item is not found even though it is not expanded.
A JCL test for non-zero condition code could optionally be added to bypass the step as a workaround.

Additional Information

User Guide:

  WRITE Command.... Column 72 Option

    N causes any ++WRITE command to not expand ++INCLUDEs, independent of the Panvalet installation option specified.


Messages Manual:

  (RC) 4 INCLUDE command in error, or an I command failed.