Successful transfers end with RC=3 for XCOM for Unix
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Successful transfers end with RC=3 for XCOM for Unix


Article ID: 46198


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


Why do successful XCOM transfers initiated from Unix end with RC=3 instead of RC=0?



XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX/Linux PC



If an XCOM program is copied into this directory from another place then the sticky bits are removed.


After installing XCOM on Unix the program xcomtcp has the so-called “Sticky Bits” SETUID and SETGID assigned. A "ls -la" command shows these bits as ‘s’:

/opt/CA/XCOM/bin> ls -la xcomtcp
-rw-sr-sr-x 1 root root 1752097 18. Aug 11:31 xcomtcp

If the program is copied into this directory from another place then SETUID and SETGID are removed. Program xcomtcp still runs fine, but the Return code displayed with command “echo $?” shows 3 instead of 0.

1. If the bits SETUID and SETGUID are missing for xcomtcp you can use this command to get them back. You need to logon as root to perform that command:

 chmod 6555/opt/CA/XCOM/bin/xcomtcp

2. Program xcomqm has only the bit SETGUID set. If this is lost by copying the file xcomqm you can use this command to get them back. You need to logon as root to perform that command:

chmod 2555 /opt/CA/XCOM/bin/xcomqm

3. If the bits SETUID and SETGUID are missing for xcomd you can use this command to get them back. You need to logon as root to perform that command:

chmod 6550 /opt/CA/XCOM/sbin/xcomd