The primary SMTP that is set is not being used as intended. Instead, it is pulling one of the other SMTP addresses that have been defined.
Identity Manager 14.x
It is important to reference the SMTP order listed on the AD Exchange account template.
In the provisioning manager, the order of the proxyaddresses in the AD Exchange account template must be in a specific order. For example If the mailnickname SMTP address wanted to be used first follow the example below.
eTCustomField47 = primary email address
eTCustomField69 = secondary email address
eTcustomField41 = mailnickname (firstname.lastname)
Sample Incorrect order:
eTADSproxyAddresses: SMTP:%#eTCustomField47%
eTADSproxyAddresses: smtp:%#eTCustomField69%
Sample Correct order:
eTADSproxyAddresses: SMTP:%#eTCustomField47%
eTADSproxyAddresses: smtp:%#eTCustomField69%