I cannot deliver software as the process sdserver on the scalability server does not start.
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I cannot deliver software as the process sdserver on the scalability server does not start.


Article ID: 4616


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


I cannot deliver software as the process sdserver on the scalability server does not start.

The process sdserver crashes with the following error just after starting:

sd_server.exe caused an UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION in module KERNELBASE.dll at 0023:760BC42D, RaiseException()+0088 byte(s) 

Restarting the scalability server software by running:

caf stop

caf start

does not help at all.


Client Automation - All versions


The most likely cause for this problem to occur, is that the file:

"C:\Program Files\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\activate\scripts\update.lst" (on a 32 bit system)

or the file:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\activate\scripts\update.lst" (on a 64 bit system)

has some kind of corruption.


On the failing scalability server browse to the following folder:

"C:\Program Files\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\activate\scripts" (on a 32 bit system)

or to the following folder:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\activate\scripts" (on a 64 bit system)

Rename the file update.lst to update.lst.old

Copy the update.lst file from a working scalability server to the failing one.

Restart the scalability server software by running:

caf stop

caf start

 and verify sdserver is now up and running.