Message CAIN2944 after a CICS Newcopy
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Message CAIN2944 after a CICS Newcopy


Article ID: 46156


Updated On: 10-17-2024


InterTest - CICS


After performing a compile and NEWCOPY of a program, InterTest CICS issues this message: 

CAIN2944 PGMTEST 2016/08/10 12:59:16 not found in Symbolic Files
CNTL=NEW,PROG=PGMTEST to load a new copy of the program
or Press PF1 for more information

Issue CNTL=NEW,PROG=PGTEST that fixes the problem, until the next time that the program is compiled and NEWCOPYed. 



When InterTest CICS is started, the program versions are loaded as part of the initialization process.

If you are monitoring a program and discovers that it needs to be changed and re-compiled, one of these two actions needs to be done to bring that version into InterTest.

1. Recycle InterTest.  (Not recommended when others are using the product.) 


2. Issue CNTL=NEW. (InterTest remains active.)