Following an IPL in my SYSPLEX, received XCF IXC431I member stalled messages which showed Datacom Multi-User (MUF startup JOB name as one of the stalled jobs.
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Following an IPL in my SYSPLEX, received XCF IXC431I member stalled messages which showed Datacom Multi-User (MUF startup JOB name as one of the stalled jobs.


Article ID: 46151


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Following an IPL in my SYSPLEX, received XCF IXC431I member stalled messages which showed Datacom Multi-User (MUF startup JOB name as one of the stalled jobs. 
In the IXC431I message, the text is:                                                 
GROUP gnme MEMBER mnme JOB jnme ASID asid                                
STALLED AT sdate stime ID: s#.r#                                         
LAST MSGX: adate sitime siexit STALLED swork PENDINGQ                    
LAST GRPX: gdate gtme   gnexit STALLED gwork PENDINGQ                    
LAST STAX: stdate sttime stexit STALLED  

In the message text:                                      

     gnme  The name of the XCF group whose member stalled.  

     mnme  The name of the stalled member.                  

      jnme  The name of the job.                             

     asid    The hexadecimal ASID of the address space.       

     sdate   The date when XCF believes the member stalled.   

     stime  The time when XCF believes the member stalled.                                



The dispatching priority for Datacom was not high enough, and the Datacom MUF was a victim of the XCF stall condition and not the cause.

The problem was resolved once the dispatching priority Datacom (and any other product using Datacom, such as  Workload Automation Restart Option for z/OS Schedulers (aka CA-11) were the same and that they were just below or equal to that of JES. 

Refer to IBM documentation related to XCF in the SYSPLEX environment.