Using TPX batch to update SMRT values
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Using TPX batch to update SMRT values


Article ID: 46128


Updated On: 10-15-2024


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


I am unable to sign on to TPX and need to update SMRT parameters. (In this case, need to change TPX to allow mixed case passwords.) Can I use TPX batch to update SMRT values?


TPX® Session Management for z/OS


No, TPX batch can only update the following record types:

  • User and user session
  • Profile and profile session
  • Applications (ACT entries)

Additional Information

Depending upon the situation, some of these suggestions may be useful:

  1. Sign on to TPX with the delivered TPXADMIN userid.  (Can be implemented with sample CB0VSRC(TPXADMIN).)
  2. Start TPX with another SMRT with the SMRT= parm in the TPX PROC.  
  3. Using the default SMRT (SMRT=*DFAULTY or SMRT=*DFAULTN) may be helpful.  See the TPX Documentation: Use the Generic or Default SMRT.