Dataquery DQL/SQL query mode switching
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Dataquery DQL/SQL query mode switching


Article ID: 46113


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After login to Dataquery online ( CICS transaction DQRY) , DQL mode is being used but SQL queries need to be executed. How to switch to SQL mode?


After login to Dataquery , enter in the command line SQL to switch to SQL mode.

The Dataquery profile is updated so next time when you login to Dataquery you will be in SQL mode .

If you want to run in DQL mode then you enter DQL in the command line . 

The query mode can also be changed by following these steps:

  1. select 5 on the DQRY main panel DQZ50 : ADMINISTRATION - DATAQUERY system management
  2. select 1.PROFILE where you code DQL or SQL in QUERY LANGUAGE 
  3. press PF4 to apply the change. Next time when you login you will be in the query mode that you selected.

Additional Information

For documentation on Dataquery , see Using Dataquery .