Why is message MA0007 USER IS NOT AUTHORISED FOR u COMMAND reported during a session update ?
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Why is message MA0007 USER IS NOT AUTHORISED FOR u COMMAND reported during a session update ?


Article ID: 46034


Updated On:


SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE:FTS SOLVE


Question :

Why is message ‘MA0007 USER IS NOT AUTHORISED FOR u COMMAND’ reported during a session update ?




Release: SLACCS00200-5-SOLVE:Access-Session Management


Answer :

It is possible to update a MAI session through the MAI menu using the primary command or the line command against a session.

To achieve this operation, a privilege class A and no session model is configured in the UAMS profile of the user. If both conditions are not true, then MA0007 is returned preventing the session update.

This problem does not occur in MSDM (MAI Store Definition Maintenance) menu.