We would like to perform silent installation of Process Automation agent so want to know the steps.
Process Automation - All supported versions.
Following are the steps required to perform silent installation of Process Automation agent.
1. Connect to Process Automation Orchestrator and navigate to '\CA\PAM\server\c2o\.c2orepository\media' directory
2. Copy following files to the target server to install 64 bit agent
- AgentInstaller_64.bat
- CA_PAM_Agent_windows_64.exe
3. Connect to target server then open command prompt and browse through the location where files from step 2 are copied
and execute the agent installation script.
AgentInstaller.bat -VdomainUrl=domain_url -VacceptLicense=true [-option1 -option2 ...]
For example:
AgentInstaller_64.bat -VdomainUrl=http://u167048:8089 -VacceptLicense=true -VlisteningAddress=u166045 -Vsys.installationDir=C:\CA\PAM Agent
-VWinServicec=true -VstartAgent=true -VjavaHome="C:\Program Files\Java\jre7" -Vscripts.tmpDir=C:\temp" -VsetPowerShellExecPolicy=false
It is also possible to run the script remotely using tools like psexec as shown below
D:\DOWNLOADS\PSTools>PsExec.exe \\u167049 "D:\AgentInstallation\ AgentInstaller_64.bat -VdomainUrl=http://u167048:8089 -VacceptLicense=true -VlisteningAddress=u166045 -Vsys.installationDir=C:\CA\PAM Agent -VWinServicec=true -VstartAgent=true -VjavaHome="C:\Program Files\Java\jre7" -Vscripts.tmpDir=C:\temp" -VsetPowerShellExecPolicy=false