Questions on Software Usage for CA Telon
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Questions on Software Usage for CA Telon


Article ID: 45955


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Telon Application Generator


What is the best way to determine if the CA Telon product is being used and to what extent?  What tools, procedures, or processes does CA have to help identify the usage and preferably the user(s) of the Telon software product?  



Telon Application Generator, release 5.1


If any Telon program is being genned, compiled and linked, look for the module 
ADPACTLC being used. Every Telon batch proc will use that program. 
For the TDF(Telon Design Facility), look for the program 
CALL '&TDFLOAD(TELONTDF) or RUN PROGRAM(TELONTDF). That is the main driver program in the TDF. 
The TDF is used for designing screens(screen painter), and updating screens (CICS, IMS, and BATCH).