Remote execution (job type PROXY) job fails with "replacement" error.
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Remote execution (job type PROXY) job fails with "replacement" error.


Article ID: 45942


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


Remote execution (job type PROXY) job fails with "replacement" error.

Job definition:

insert_job: RemoteExecJob   job_type: PROXY
machine: CAWAAgent_RE
owner: testusr@unix_target_host
date_conditions: 0
alarm_if_fail: 1
remote_target: unix_target_host
spool_file: ">>/var/log/WA_spool/date.txt"
success_codes: 0
remote_command: "date"


  • CAWAAgent_RE is the host that runs CA Workload Automation System Agent 11.3 SP5 with Remote Execution plugin configured.
    The following proxy host properties file exists on CAWAAgent_RE under the <SystemAgent_Path>/config/proxy directory:

# cat


  • unix_target_host is the UNIX target host where the command "date" is to be executed.
  • testusr@unix_target_host is a valid user on the target host.


Job detailed report:

Job Name                                                         Last Start           Last End             ST Run/Ntry Pri/Xit
________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ________ _______
RemoteExecJob                                                         21/08/2016 06:04:49  21/08/2016 06:04:49  FA 8123/1   1

  Status/[Event]  Time                 Ntry ES  ProcessTime           Machine
  --------------  --------------------- --  --  --------------------- ----------------------------------------
  STARTING        21/08/2016 06:04:43    1  PD  21/08/2016 06:04:44   CAWAAgent_RE
  RUNNING         21/08/2016 06:04:49    1  PD  21/08/2016 06:04:50   CAWAAgent_RE
  FAILURE         21/08/2016 06:04:49    1  PD  21/08/2016 06:04:50
  [*** ALARM ***]
    JOBFAILURE    21/08/2016 06:04:50    1  PD  21/08/2016 06:04:50   CAWAAgent_RE


The proxy.log file on the CAWAAgent_RE host <SystemAgent_Path>/log/ directory has the following exception:


08/20/2016 15:32:58.676 EDT-0400 5 ProxyPlugin.proxy Internal Thread.CybWOBRunProxyHandler.processWob[:84] - Processing WOB 207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN: RemoteTarget(unix_target_host) SpoolFile(>>/var/log/WA_spool/date.txt) ExitCode(0,S) Command1(date) User(testusr) Password() MFUser(testusr) WOBRequestID(120FB810A7CBD1D666CC175CAD2E0D0CA2BE200914717215786480)
08/20/2016 15:32:58.725 EDT-0400 5 ProxyPlugin.proxy Internal Thread.CybWOBRunProxyHandler.processWob[:139] - Submission thread started for WOB : 207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN: RemoteTarget(unix_target_host) SpoolFile(>>/var/log/WA_spool/date.txt) ExitCode(0,S) Command1(date) User(testusr) Password() MFUser(testusr) WOBRequestID(120FB810A7CBD1D666CC175CAD2E0D0CA2BE200914717215786480)
08/20/2016 15:33:03.087 EDT-0400 5 ProxyPlugin.207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN[Proxy].ProxyConnection.<init>[:143] - Creating connection to unix_target_host for WOB 207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN
08/20/2016 15:33:03.091 EDT-0400 5 ProxyPlugin.207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN[Proxy].ProxyConnection.<init>[:163] - Processing destination properties
08/20/2016 15:33:03.096 EDT-0400 5 ProxyPlugin.207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN[Proxy].ProxyConnection.<init>[:179] - Creating ConnectionInfo
08/20/2016 15:33:03.111 EDT-0400 1 ProxyPlugin.207.8123_1/WAAE_WF0.1/MAIN[Proxy].ProxyConnection.<init>[:249] - java.lang.NullPointerException: replacement




Workload Automation AE


The password for the remote user (defined as the owner of the PROXY job) is missing in the WAAE database.



The user specified as the owner should be valid user ID on the target machine and the credentials must be defined using the autosys_secure command, "[5] Manage user@host users" option (options "[5] Manage users -> [1] Manage users with password -> [1] Create a user" in WAAE 11.3.6 SP3 and higher).


Additional Information

Install CA WA Agent for Remote Execution

Define a Remote Execution Job