After installing Automation Point, the CA Automation Point folder in our Windows Start Menu is empty. How do we populate it?
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After installing Automation Point, the CA Automation Point folder in our Windows Start Menu is empty. How do we populate it?


Article ID: 45903


Updated On:


Automation Point



We recently upgraded from CA Automation Point 11.5.0 to 11.5.1, but after the upgrade, we noticed that the CA Automation Point folder in the Windows Start Menu is empty. Before the upgrade, this folder was filled with shortcuts to the CA Automation Point Desktop, Remote Viewer, AP Listener, CA Support, etc. Why are they missing and how do we populate this folder with those shortcuts?


Supported versions of Microsoft Windows Server


Investigating the install logs in this case revealed the following messages:

- Error creating shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA Automation Point\CA Support.lnk
- Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\CA Automation Point\Bin
- Error creating shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA Automation Point\CA Automation Point Desktop.lnk
- Error creating shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA Automation Point\Remote Viewer.lnk
- Error creating shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA Automation Point\Ap Listener.lnk
- Error creating shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA Automation Point\Configuration Manager.lnk
- Error creating shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA Automation Point\Active Site Directory.lnk

So apparently our installer is reporting errors creating shortcuts to Automation Point applications. These errors can be caused by a several factors of your operating system environment.


(1) Open %AP_HOME%\bin in Windows Explore

(2) Create shortcuts for the AP exe's that you'd like to locate in the Start Menu by right clicking on an EXE and selecting "create shortcut"

(3) Rename the shortcut to something more friendly, e.g:

aplisten.exe -> Automation Point Listener

axc2p.exe -> Automation Point Desktop

apview.exe -> Remote Viewer Client

cfgMgr.exe -> Configuration Manager

(4) Cut and paste these shortcuts into the following folder:

%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\CA\CA Automation Point


Release: AP327020100-11.5-Automation Point-3270/5250 Interface Option