In InterTest CICS can transaction VRPT execute in a batch job?
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In InterTest CICS can transaction VRPT execute in a batch job?


Article ID: 45896


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InterTest - CICS


Can transaction VRPT execute via batch?



No, there's no batch job to mimic transaction VRPT.

The VRPT's job is not to show that InterTest is "OK" (although there certainly can be error messages in OPTION 1 if a program is missing).  It will show the modules assembly date and time stamps, values of options, etc...

If you run VRPT on all CICS regions, many would be identical because there are possibly groups of regions that point to the same load libraries.

If you have x number of different load libraries, then run it in the regions that point to these libraries, and compare the assembly dates/times from the reports to make sure they are all at the same level.