Executing Rapid Reorg and receiving message PRR9043E during RBA / LRSN conversion.
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Executing Rapid Reorg and receiving message PRR9043E during RBA / LRSN conversion.


Article ID: 45877


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Rapid Reorg for DB2 for z/OS


Executing Rapid Reorg for Db2 for z/OS (PRR) to perform RBA / LRSN conversion and receiving message
PRR9043E indicating processing bypassed due to UTIL member setting SWITCH-TO-IBM set to NO:

PRR9043E - Processing bypassed for RBALRSN_CONVERSION keyword due
           to UTIL PARMLIB member having SWITCH-TO-IBM set to NO.

Is the PRR9043E error message expected in this situation?


The RBALRSN_CONVERSION keyword in the Rapid Reorg User Guide contains the following note: 
- The RBALRSN_CONVERSION NONE option is supported natively. To use the BASIC or EXTENDED options, specify SWITCH-TO-IBM YES in hlq.CDBAPARM(UTIL). 

The Db2 Reorg utility will be invoked by PRR if SWITCH-TO-IBM (YES) is specified in the UTIL member of hlq.CDBAPARM to perform the conversion.