Manually change the state of a Patch Manager's patch
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Manually change the state of a Patch Manager's patch


Article ID: 45867


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Patch Manager uses the following list of patch states:

  • New
  • Not Applicable
  • Pending User Acceptance
  • Accepted
  • Packaging
  • Packing Failed
  • Distributing
  • Testing
  • Approved                                  

How do I manually change the state of Patch Manager patches manually?


Client Automation - All Versions
Patch Manager - All Versions


Here are few SQL commands that can be helpful to move Patches from one State to another

Certain patches you can also Defer and the change to another State.

NOTE: R14 patches can be Accepted no matter what State the Patch is in. 

Update the status of one Patch back to Pending user Acceptance

use mdb 

UPDATE ca_install_package SET status=3

WHERE sw_def_uuid IN (SELECT sw_def_uuid FROM ca_software_def



TO Check the Status of one patch:

select status from ca_install_package

where sw_def_uuid in (select sw_def_uuid from ca_software_def

where name=’<PATCH_NAME>’)


Shows UPM packages that are in “Packaging”:

select * from ca_install_package  WHERE status =7


Changes the status of all packages in “Packaging” state to “Pending User Acceptance”

UPDATE ca_install_package SET status=3  WHERE status = 7


STATUS_UNKNOWN                                         = 0 Should Never Happen

STATUS_NEW                                                 = 1 Patch Imported by Import Manager

NOT_APPLICABLE                                            = 2 No Instances of the Application it Patches 

STATUS_PENDING_USER_ACCEPTANCE            = 3 Waiting for User to Accept or Defer                                                                                           

STATUS_PENDING_WORKFLOW_ACCEPTANCE   = 4 Waiting for Workflow Approval of Acceptance

STATUS_ACCEPTED                                         = 5 Accepted by workflow or User, pending packaging

STATUS_DEFERRED                                         = 6 Deferred by User

STATUS_PACKAGING                                       = 7 Files Downloading

STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED                          = 8 Download Failed

STATUS_TESTING                                           = 9 Testing has begun

STATUS_PENDING_APPROVAL                          = 10 Waiting for Workflow Approval of Patch

STATUS_APPROVED                                         = 11 Approved by workflow or User

STATUS_INACTIVE                                          = 12 The Release or Patch is Designated Inactive by ACME

STATUS_DISTRIBUTING                                  = 13 The Patch is being Distributed from EM to DM