Within an Endevor package exit 7 I would like to attach an existing external approver to a package only for the time the package is active. This will be a before cast exit.
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Within an Endevor package exit 7 I would like to attach an existing external approver to a package only for the time the package is active. This will be a before cast exit.


Article ID: 45847


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench



Within an Endevor package exit 7 I would like to attach an existing external approver group to a package.


This can be achieved through a before-cast exit point.
The required input fields from assembler DSECT $PAPPREQ needs to be set as follows:
PAPPGPNM   -   the approver group name
PAPPEVNM   -   the target environemnt name or any nonblank value
PAPPQUOR   -   required quorum
PAPPAPP#    -   must be zero(H'0')
PAPPAPID    -   can be blank
PAPPAREQ   -   can be blank


Component: ENDBAS