CA Asset Portfolio Management has several log files, based on each product component, and a primary log file controller file, named logging.config. There are multiple log files and multiple logging.config files located in the directory for each specific APM product component or service. For example, the log file for the Registration service is located in the \CA\ITAM\Registration Service directory. It is named ITAMRegSVC.log and the logging.config file, in the same directory, controls the log level of the ITAMRegSVC.log.
Release: All versions
Component: CA IT Asset Manager
Here are the recommended settings for the logging.config file for each component:
Component Setting
APM Promotion DEBUG or ERROR for all
Application Server FATAL for all
Data Importer Engine ERROR for all
Event service INFO or ERROR
Export service and hardware engine ERROR for all
Import Driver, Import Processor, Import Service FATAL for all
LDAP Import Sync, Registration Service FATAL for all
Storage Manager Service FATAL
Web Server FATAL
If you are trying to increase logging to troubleshoot a problem, then increase the logging level, collect the log and then decrease the logging back to its' original state, so that performance is not effected. Below is an excerpt from a logging.config file. See the lines: <level value="FATAL"/>. You will search and replace all the upper case FATAL to INFO, or to whatever value you desire to change the debug level.
<logger name="CA.Applications.Business" additivity="false">
<level value="FATAL"/>
<appender-ref ref="ITAMServiceLog" />
<logger name="CA.Applications.Configuration" additivity="false">
<level value="FATAL"/>
<appender-ref ref="ITAMServiceLog" />
<logger name="WebService" additivity="false">
<level value="FATAL"/>
<appender-ref ref="ITAMServiceLog" />
<logger name="CA.Common.Business" additivity="false">
<level value="FATAL"/>
<appender-ref ref="ITAMServiceLog" />
The logging.config file also has comments showing the possible debug level values:
<!-- Logging Levels -->
<!-- Fatal: Least amount of logging, only logs Fatal msgs -->
<!-- Error: Logs Fatal and Error msgs. -->
<!-- Warn: Logs Fatal, Error and Warn msgs -->
<!-- Info: Logs Fatal, Error, Warn, and Info msgs. -->
<!-- Debug: Should only be set if instructed by support. Logs Fatal, Warn and Debug msgs. -->
The following is best practice for turning up logging:
- On the affected ITAM Server instance, select the component or components that will need the logging enabled. In our example, we choose the "Application Server" and will then go into the C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\ITAM\Application Server location
- Back up the Logging.config file. Specifically, copy the Logging.config file in this location to a separate directory location.
Do not perform copy/paste on the file and generate a "Logging - Copy.config" file in the same location as a backup method.
- Edit the Logging.config file in the above Application Server location and change all references to "FATAL" to "DEBUG". The "FATAL" references will read as:
<level value="FATAL"/>
Change these to read as:
<level value="DEBUG"/>
- Save the changes in the Logging.config file. You should not need to restart any services for the logging changes to take effect
- Attempt to reproduce the given issue being seen.
To stop the logging, restore the Logging.config file from backup. Delete the modified Logging.config file and then paste in the original file from backup.