You can create a new Customization Form Group in Web Screen Painter as shown below.
Log into Web Screen Painter and select 'File' > 'Open'.
Select "Interface or File Type" and "Form Groups" that stores a web form you would like to customize.
e.g. If you would like to modify a web form of the default Analyst Interface, select "Analyst" from 'Interface or File Type' and "Default" from 'Form Group' drop down list.
Select the web form you would like to modify, for example, "list_chg.htmpl" and click on <OK>. Modify the web form.
After customize the web form, select 'File' > 'Save As'.
Click <Add Form Group> and type a form group name, for example, "ChangeManager". Click <OK>.
Ensure that "Analyst" is selected as the Interface and "ChangeManager" is selected as Form Group, and then save list_chg.htmpl.
Go to 'File' > 'Publish' to publish the form.
Log into Service Desk using Service Desk administrator account and open [Administration] tab.
Go to 'Security and Role Management' > 'Role Management' > 'Role List' and select the Role you would like to specify the created form, e.g. "Change Manager".
Click on <Edit> and specify ChangeManager in Customization Form Group field.
On a Service Desk Manager server, open the Command Prompt and run pdm_webcache -H command to clear cache on a Web server. On a client PC, clear browser cache.
The web forms should now be differentiated by Role.