WinOffline is a utility designed to simplify Client Automation patching and automate common maintenance procedures. It's a multi-purpose application with two operating modes:
Question: How do you configure WinOffline to run the built-in software delivery cleanup procedures?
CA Client Automation - All Versions
You may use the WinOffline for the software delivery file cleanup, here's where to find these options using the interactive mode:
1. To run it you Double-Click on WinOffline or Right click and Run as Administrator.
2. You will see the following screen, select 'Next' even if you do not intend to apply any patches.
3. You can individually choose specific cleanups to perform, or select the option to perform all applicable software delivery cleanups. It does not matter if the target system is only an agent, or if it's a scalability server with DTS installed-- WinOffline will skip performing a particular cleanup if it ends up not being applicable.
Select -cleanserver option and click Start button
Lastest version of WinOffline (2019.01.10) could be found here : Latest WinOffline
If you're using WinOffline with Software Delivery, the option can be enabled by setting the following command line switch:
1- Cleans up the ..\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\D folder.
2- Cleans up the ..\CA\DSM\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\activate folder**
3- Cleans up the ..\CA\DSM\dts\dta\status folder.
4- Cleans up the ..\CA\DSM\dts\dta\staging folder
5- Recreates the ..\CA\DSM\dts\dta\status\index file.
**Removes any NTFS junction points created back to Domain Manager's software library, before deleting any files/folders.
The interactive mode of WinOffline contains detailed help and information regarding available features, usage and available command line switches. From the main screen of the interactive mode, select the option, "Help and Command Line Switches".