Dependent product ca-cs-has is not installed when installing UUJMA 11.2 on Linux 5.8
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Dependent product ca-cs-has is not installed when installing UUJMA 11.2 on Linux 5.8


Article ID: 45744


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Unicenter Job Management Option


During the UUJMA 11.2 installation on Linux, I am getting error message:

Dependency Violation: Dependent product ca-cs-has is not installed on the system with an appropriate version(>= .


UUJMA 11.2 SP2 on Linux.


ca-cs-has is a package which is part of the CA Common Services to deal with installations in a cluster environment.

UUJMA is not cluster aware ( It works in active/passive mode only), therefore this package is not required


Here are the steps to get rid of that: 

  cd <install image root directory>/ENU/Linux


  The setup/install dialog window shows up. Before doing anything in the dialog window, find file isCluster under the temporary directory created by the installer under /tmp with below command:

            find /tmp/EXTRA* -name isCluster -print 

            Then rename isCluster under /tmp/EXTRA*/ca-cs-utils-cmp.d/$CASHCOMP to 

 Continue the installation following instructions in the dialog window.