How to reconfigure Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) to stop collecting data and reinitialize the reporting database
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How to reconfigure Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) to stop collecting data and reinitialize the reporting database


Article ID: 45715


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


I have an SRM system I wish to use only as a OneClick system. I need to know how to stop SRM from collecting data and reinitialize the reporting database to free up the space.


Release: Any


To stop SRM from collecting data:

1. Log into the OneClick web page as an ADMIN user

2. Click on the Administration link

3. Click on the Report Manager link

4. Click on the SPECTRUM Status link

5. For each landscape in the list, uncheck the box in the Monitor column

6. Click on the "Update Monitored Servers" link


To reinitialize the reporting database to free up the space:

1. Log into the OneClick system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

2. On Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

3. cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory

4. Enter the following command:


./RpmgrInitializeLandscape.bat root <PASSWD> -all


./ root <PASSWD> -all

Additional Information

Please reference the "Reporting Database Management" section of the documentation for more information.